Who am I?

I am Ellen. I currently live on a farm and I'm a writer. At times, I'm Grace Valentina Hartley, and sometimes I'm Victoria N. Osam ě l ý. But the spirit in my written work is always Ellen. I shall share the goings-on of my farm along with some of my work as soon as I finish introducing myself. I have been told that I am a romantique and that my style is bohemian; I cannot disagree with either. I'm a long-dress-wearing, long-hair-braided, flowers-in-my-hair, colourful, living-on-dreams type of girl. I am not afraid to be, or more importantly, look, unique. I enjoy cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, nature walks, daydreaming, having light-hearted chats with close friends, dressing up in fancy clothes, wearing make-up, frolicking with the sheep, goats, and cats, playing with children, and talking to my grandmama. I also love to read. I came up with my own quote explaining part of my reading obsession: "I read to escape; to escape reality." ...