Life Update ... Summer ... Autumn ... Winter

Everything that Happened over Summer Back in March, I wrote that I was hoping to blog more frequently since I wasn't going to have school until September. It turns out that there are things beside school which can take over your free time... things like renovating your farmhouse and selling off livestock...and getting ready to attend university. Renovation started in June, right after school closed for summer. We ripped up all the old carpeting and had new hardwood floors installed. We also removed all the wallpaper and repainted the entire house, from top to bottom. We had all the bathroom floors re-tiled and new vanities installed. We also swapped out some older showers for new ones. We changed doors, baseboards, and even window casings. We had the stairs, the bannister, and all the spindles updated. Then, we got rid of our pine furniture and replaced them with cherry or maple to match the floors. And we did most of these things on our own because... well, because its financially...